"Embody Your Ideal Self &
Design an authentic life"
(Anita Brocka, MA
Mentor for Academics, Visionaries & Lifedesigners)
The new Earth is here. Let's lead with love together.

like the person you want to be.
That person is already You.
I´m Anita.
is to teach You, how to EMBODY your most IDEAL SELF, so that you can create a new observer thus
design an authentic life!
I am LOVE & PURE CONSCIOUSNESS ... Let´s Begin There. This is the only identity we need in life. Everything else is ever-changing and stays here on Earth.
However, beyond that, I´m an academic, communication scientist, researcher, spiritual mentor, content creator, passionate dancer, certified wedding-planner and so much more.
I truly believe that we are multi-dimensional beings each possessing hidden talents and unique qualities that, when expressed, allow us to be our most AUTHENTIC and FREE selves.
We are no longer in a world of either-or. This is a new era - one of infinite possibilities. I am here to inspire you to BECOME YOUR IDEAL SELF - someone who consciously designs their life and expresses themselves freely, fully and authentically.
Through my studies, life experience and personal manifestation journey I´ve became my own scientist and created a transformative 3 phase program, called `Design Your Life`, where you learn how to consciously create through the power of language.
The goal is not merely to manifest specific desires but to manifest a new self, a new OBSERVER, who already has what you want.
WE BEGIN AT THE END! #gamechanger

You wake up and you feel EXCITEMENT for the day ahead
You feel at EASE and LOVE for yourself
You feel INSPIRED to get up, create and serve - because you lead a MEANINGFUL life and love what you do
You feel CONFIDENT - because you know who you are (a limitless co creator), what you want and most importantly what you deserve
You feel at PEACE - because you learned to soothe your emotions, navigate your inner conversations, live more in the moment and trust your intuition
You feel FULFILLED & EMPOWERED because you know that no matter what happens everything serves your benefit, things are eventually working out for you
You feel AUTHENTIC and FREE because you learned to speak your truth from your heart, you finally allowed yourself to show up fully and unapologetically as your truest self, which is the one and only purpose of your existence
I show you how all this is possible and I support you on this transformative journey
Hello Lifedesigner!
In this Ideal Self Workbook and Mini Training you will:
- Explore yourself, your thoughts, emotions and actions
- Become conscious of your habits, patterns, beliefs,
- Become the observer of your Self
- Answer powerful questions about your life and
- Eventually ponder and create your ideal self
At the end of the workbook you will understand yourself more, you will have a clear picture about where you are and where you want to be in life AND how to close the gap between your current self and your ideal/future self.

Self-Love Sunday Letter
"Through my journey, Self-Love was not neccessary for manifestating my desires BUT I could only keep and live my desires once I started to truly embody self-love and give myself the utmost love every single day.
That vibration got me to a place where I was in constant connection with my most ideal self. And that ideal self matched the vibration of all my desires. I kept myself the promise to think-feel-act every day like the person I wanted to be. And that´s where my reality SHIFTED.

“Anita Brocka liebt es, Mentorin zu sein und Menschen langfristig zu betreuen. Nichts findet sie besser, als Mentees blühen zu sehen, weil sie ein neues Mindset und Glaubenssystem kreiert haben und damit ein wirklich bewusstes und bedeutsames Leben führen können.
Anita Brocka hat im Magister Publizistik und Kommunikationswissenschaften studiert und ist Trainerin für Persönlichkeitsentwicklung.
Die Wiedererkennung des eigenen Selbst im Mentee, die Wiedergabe des eigenen Wissens und der eigenen Erfahrungen sowie ein freundschaftliches (Arbeits-)Verhältnis stellen für Anita den Mehrwert von Mentoring dar. Bereits zwei junge Menschen hat sie über einen längeren Zeitraum in ihrer Karriere beim Thema Selbständigkeit/Gründung unterstützt, und vor allem dabei ermutigt, sich selbst im Ausland zu entdecken, zu reisen, viele unterschiedliche Sachen zu tun um sich selbst besser zu verstehen. Nichts findet sie wichtiger, als sich in den Zwanzigern Selbstliebe und echtes Selbstbewusstsein aufzubauen durch Offenheit und Erfahrung in verschiedenen Bereichen - sei es in Ländern, Firmen, Kulturen oder durch Persönlichkeitsentwicklung.