"It is March 2019, just landed in Miami. The weather is amazing. Client is waiting for me. I should be happy. But I´m not. Something is wrong. I promise myself now to push through the next 2 weeks and never come back again alone." (from my diary)
I´ve always had a very strong international background and mindset. Growing up as a minority, with three languages, three different countries. I never really felt home, never had any roots. The sense of belonging was deeply missing, I did not know who I was, I was mainly in survival. Later in life, I was always an expat, an outsider, a foreigner everywhere, yet I found my way and because of my strong will, kindness and work ethic I was able to create opportunities for myself and to build myself from nothing.
Still... without roots, without anyone understanding you, without really knowing who you are, without a home, you will always question yourself, your identity and purpose, just like I did.

After many years of healing (I stopped my business, got myself a part-time job, closed my social media accounts and lived off my credit cards!) I slowly started to get back on track. I hit rock bottom and it was pointless to fight.
I had to learn to love myself and give myself time to actually heal my deepest wounds I did not even know about (my mentor made me understand that I was dealing with very unhealthy family dynamics - which is an understatement).
I had to heal and understand who I was, what limiting beliefs and IDENTITY I created about myself in the abusive environment that I thought was normal.
Later I was able to RE-WRITE MY OWN STORY, shift into the person I wanted to become and embody that self every day until she became who I am today.
As a communication scientist I am a huge believer in THE POWER OF LANGUAGE, the psychology of communication, how we humans live in language and constantly interact with each other. This is what I studied, researched and breathed for so many years.
Through my entrepreneurial journey I was intuitively guided back to communication research and several impressive methodologies I learned about when I studied.
I was introduced to the study of identity and our way of being. One of the most important premises here is, that we all are unique observers and life can only be internally experienced, and this is a forever changing process and becoming.
If we change the OBSERVER who we are, we are then able to create a new reality, a new life for ourselves, who perceives and is perceived differently.
I made it to my mission to teach about our way of being, about human behaviour, how we function as humans, how we can change the OBSERVER that we are and how we can fully and consciously EMBODY the new person we want to be, so that we can create a whole new personality, reality and a brand new life.
It is safe to say that I´ve changed the whole narrative of my life with this approach.
The goal is not to merely manifest a specific desire but to manifest a new Self who already has all your desires.

Facts & Fun
I launched my personal development business, the Anita Brocka Mindset e.U. on January 1, 2018
Masters Degree in Media & Communication Science
Certified Wedding & Event Planner
Born in Slovakia, raised in Hungary, created in Austria, at home in the USA (33109)
Alumna, Mentor @ University of Vienna
Proudest ally and advocate of the LGBTQIA+ community - we are all one! Freedom and love is our birthright
I speak 5 languages, none of them perfect lol
My dogs Polly & Didi are true life companions since 2012
I´m literally an open book but my private life remains a secret & sacred union
Dancing, acting, meditation and FUN have been my biggest healing tools