You know I´m a big fan of meditation. Actually, my two favourite manifestation tools and practises for livin la vida loca are meditation and dance. I consciously use these tools to connect with source energy aka with my highest self and tap into my inner wisdom. When I meditate I feel peace, clarity and endless love. When I dance freely, I feel alive, sexy, fun and confident. What a perfect balance in energy. What a flow!

Thankfully there are so many wonderful tools we can use to feel better, to wind down, to turn off our chatty mind and utilize focused thought and energy to create. We have the freedom of choice between painting, singing, dancing, meditating, running, cooking, masturbating and the list goes on.
ALWAYS CHOOSE WHAT FEELS BEST FOR YOU IN THE MOMENT. There is no right or wrong, no technique or tool is better than the other. You choose.
You do not need to create a routine right away, you do not need to be too strickt about it and you definitely do not need to set some kind of daily goal to follow through just because somebody told you so. It will only exhaust you, it might even make you judgemental about yourself if you cannot keep your promise. There are more than enough rules out there, you do not need to create any more of them in your own precious world.
I want you to BE EASY about it. I want you to FLOW and listen every day to yourself. I want you to ask yourself every day:
"What do I truly need; How can I nurture my body and soul; How can I make myself happy today?" - These questions will put you at ease and make you realize that you are there for yourself no matter what you did or did not do! This is so important, and again we are back to the core of it all, which is SELF-LOVE. If you truly love yourself, practise and embody self-love every day then you will be more playful about everything in life. You will not take things, including yourself too seriously, cause guess what... nothing matters too much ;) - You can drop the resistance right now!

If you love yourself deeply you will take life more as a game and play and laugh and do whatever the hell you want to do because you will treat every day like the first and last day of your life. Disappointing? Oh no, it is EXHILARATING indeed!
And I´m not talking about the Carpe Diem lifestyle, I just want you to be able to see the big picture at all times and be simply the non-judgemental OBSERVER of yourself and your own life. I want you to be more present, appreciate this day and consciously look for things to be thankful for. And last but not least I want you to release some resistance and drop the pressure you have been feeling and carrying for so long. If you are here, in the NOW you will notice that the pressure dissolves, the resistance fades, the problems solve themselves alone.
I want to leave you with this today:
You know exactly what is best for you, you are incredibly intuitive and you have your own wisdom and inner compass. You are so free you could choose bondage. You are your best advisor, teacher, parent. You are an autonomous being. You have the freedom of choice and you decide at any moment of time what´s the next best feeling step for you.
Love, Ani